Dienstag, 24. August 2010

The First blog entry: Hong Kong is pissed with Philippines + childhood memories:america-fangirl theory...

Okay this first blog entry is actually my today's Journal from DeviantArt,because I will not make two journals per day....

Now,like everyone already knows (or not knows) is that actually :iconffffuhkplz: with :iconchibifiriplz: and told the other nations not to travel to Philippines' place because he lost some of his citizen's there.
->fact is: After a bus was taken hostage in the Philippine capital,at least seven Chinese tourists from Hong Kong seem to have been killed and the gunman too.Several more were injured.Also the administrativ ministry of Hong Kong told their people not to travel to the Philippines,also he cautioned people all over the world to travel there.

But that's not the point.The thing that angers me is that "Philippines" mostly appears in german media,or in media in general,only when bad things or disasters happen.That's like: Isn't Philippines not more worth then some boulevard reports here and there and everytime victims and dead are involved? Sorry,but that's just sad and it makes me angry.Seriously I'm so not amused!:iconfrageplz: Also Kabel1-news,i quote,said: "In der thailändischen Hauptstadt Manila...(In the Thai-capital Manila...)" GET A FREAKING WORLD MAP WITH THE CAPITALS YOU TV MONKEYS FROM KABEL1!!!! :iconimmakillyouplz: Bangkok is the capital of Thailand and Manila is the capital of the Philippines!PERIOD! Also Bangkok and Thailand are like 1500-2000km AWAY from Manila!!!! :iconfacepalmplz:


Okay enough anger for today. -breaths in and out- So after my last comments/messages with Heathy,in which she was rather surprised that I know Frank Sinatra and kinda shocked/suprised when I told her that I was born and always have been america-fangirl,because she thought it's more a temporary thing of Hetalia.Truth is: It's not.
I always shared great adoration for the USA since childhood and my biggest wish is to travel there at least once in my life,so I can die happy.(Wow that's sounds like I'm an old granny or something :'D Oh my...) But seriously...I really do love the US and guess which cartoon was my favorite cartoon ever? Right! THE ANIMANIACS! xD :heart: I always watched them and never missed one episode.They were the first who taught me about american history and The USA! :iconiloveitplz: 

Now we go to our daily topic which will be in the end of every blog entry "ShuShu's song of the day!".DUMDUMDUM: ShuShu's song of the day is....
Hilary Duff - Gypsy woman

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