Samstag, 25. Dezember 2010

Merry Christmas! ♥ : A little poem in "Denglish"

First question you readers may ask: What the hell is "Denglish"?

quick explanation:
Denglisch (German spelling) or Denglish (English spelling) is a portmanteau of the German words Deutsch and Englisch. It's used in all German-speaking countries and describes an influx of English, or pseudo-English, vocabulary into the German language through travel and English's widespread usage in advertising, business and information technology. Synonyms are Gerglish, Angleutsch and Engleutsch.

A Christmas poem:

This must be was besondres sein
When the last Kalender-sheets
flattern through the Winter-streets
and Decemberwind is blowing,
then is everybody knowing,
that it is not allzuweit.
She does come, the Weihnachtszeit.

All the Menschen, Leute, people
flippen out of ihrer Stube
run to Kaufhof, Aldi, Mess
make Konsum and business.
Kaufen this und jenes Dings
and the churchturmglocke rings!

Manche holen sich a Tännchen.
When this brennt, they cry : Attention!.
Rufen for the Feuerwehr;
Please come quick, and rescue her!
Goes the Tännchen off in Rauch
they are standing on the Schlauch.

In the kitchen of the house
mother makes the Christmasschmaus.
She is working, schufting, bakes,
hit is now her Yoghurtkeks.
And the Opa says as Tester;
"We are killed bis zu Silvester".
Then he fills the last Glas wine,
yes, this is the Christmastime.

Day by Day does so vergang,
and the holy night does come.
You can think, you can remember,
this is immer in December!

Then the childrenlein are coming
candle-wachs is abwärts running,
Bing of Crosby Christmas sings
while the Towerglocke rings
and the angels look so fine.
Well ! This is the Weihnachtstimme.

Baby-eyes are big and rund
the family feels kerngesund,
when unter´m Baum is hocking -
then nothing can them shocking.
They are so happy, are so fine
this happens in the Christmastime.

The animals all in the house
the Hund, the Katze, the bird, the mouse,
are turning round the Weihnachtstree
enjoy the day as never nie,
weil they find Kittekat and Schappi
im Geschenkkarton von Papi.

The family begins to sing
and wieder does a Glöckchen ring.
Zum song vom grünen Tannenbaum
die Tränen rennen down and down -
bis the mother plötzlich flennt:
"Die Gans im Ofen ist verbrennt!"

Because her nose is very fine
wie jedes Jahr zur Christmastime.
So all can say the fest is nice,
but all of this hat seinen Preis.
The nervs are laying alle blank,
this is mir klar, by this Gestank
from the verbrennte Weihnachtsgans.

This must be was besondres sein,
then all the people stimmen ein
and sing with me so loud and clear

~from Tanja Haas

This is awful.For English-teachers and native English-speakers. :'D And it's confusing. I had heachache when I first read that... >_> I can already hear Mr. Constroffer complain about how WRONG this is. X'D


All of you...

Have a Merry Christmas and blessed holidays! ♥ 

Montag, 1. November 2010

Papa's revenge...

So apperently Papa found a way to take vengeance for me annoying him about how great the USA is.And after talking about America's influence on modern day Germany I guess he got so pissed that he went straight into a newsdealer and buyed me a "DER SPIEGEL" magazine,which is obviously a magazine about politics and economy.

Die verzweifelten Staaten von America = The desperate States of America
Eine Nation verliert ihren Optimismus = A nation loses its optimism

I was so shocked when I finished reading... O_O

Sonntag, 31. Oktober 2010

Germany is America's unofficial oversea-colony? What? O_e

Me: I'm wondering what I missed the last 10 years.Ten years ago Halloween wasn't that popular in germany... o3o -watches newstime on TV Halloween special-
Papa: You missed nothing... -sour look on face-
Me: What is it,Daddy? O_O
Papa: Germany is more and more "americanized"...-sighs- It's like being a colony...just it's not official...
Me: huh? So you would say we're like an unofficial oversea colony to USA,because we're getting much stuff from there,including the holidays? D8
Papa:  =____=" -says nothing-
Me: O_____e

Later I drew my thoughts and Papa watched me with a "Are you fucking serious?!"-face. :'D

Samstag, 30. Oktober 2010


 ~The witches fly

Across the sky,

The owls go, "Who? Who? Who?"

The black cats yowl

And green ghosts howl,

"Scary Halloween to you!"


My sexy desktop background
Ludwig....WHY SO SEXY???? >_<

Freitag, 29. Oktober 2010

ShuShu's English homework


English homework for ShuShu: Skittles and cookies all over the desk. :'D


Sonntag, 10. Oktober 2010

I'm not in to mood to leave...not at all. D'X

Waaaahahahaha -cries on the floor- I DON'T WANT TO,BUT I HAVE TO...-sniff- I have to leave again today and I'm so not in the mood to. Q_Q
I feel like time's running out.I really feel like friday was just a few hours ago...but in reality it's sunday already. ;n; My oh my...why...Well at least I have one thing to look forward to.Our first lesson tomorrow is english,where I obviously seem to suck at lately -is still not over the vocabulary test thingy- :iconmiseryplz:
Oh...Yeah and I'm kinda scared to go outside because there was terrible car crash not far away from my house.

And I can't be online for every monday in future since some stupid nutcase had the terrible idea of a MEDIA-FREE-MONDAY! Which means no mp3-players,no TV,no radio and most important NO COMPUTERS!!! :iconimmakillyouplz: I never surmised something like that ever happens! Oh and another thing they want to establish are school uniforms.I hope,if we have school uniforms (it's still not decided),we get pretty ones. o3o

Well yeah I guess that was it for now.

Ah yes.I spend my last hour at home dancing around like a maniac to this song:

Waaah I just LOVE Culcha Candela. xDD They're just awesome :3

Freitag, 8. Oktober 2010

WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME!!!!!???? O___e -eyetwitch-

So yeah schoolyear has just begun (four weeks of school we had till now to be exact) and we've written 1 vocabulary test in english and two in french so far (the second test in french we wrote today).And...I'm scared of myself because I got an A in my first french vocabulary test while I got ONLY a B in my first english vocabulary test.GREAT START OF SCHOOLYEAR D'X I mean what the hell is going wrong??? This is the FIRST time in my life that I'm better in french then in english and it frightens me. O___e
 I think french has my brain...I WANT MY BRAIN BACK FRENCH LANGUAGE DX
No really...I have that feeling that France is invading us lately here in germany...with movies,music and language... O_OU

Yeah I got a glass of wine today =w= ...

5th place in GERMAN top 10...currently....And nearly everyone has this on their phones...AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH DX

Sonntag, 3. Oktober 2010

The day of German Unity

s is an old S in old high-german font. Because I have that feeling you will have problems reading old german ^^;; Barely anyone in germany can read old german, which I think is a pity. -.-

Today is the day of german unity. 3rd October is our national holiday. Although it is not celebrated so much like for example 4th july, germans still remember this day as day of unity among whole germany. The inner german wall in Berlin, thus the seperation of germany into West and East, dissolved on the 9.November 1989 with the Fall of the Berlin Wall. The 3rd October was not the real reunification date, it might be the reason why germans don not like to celebrate that day much, but because many things, especially bad things like the November Progrom Night happened in November, the national was set by officials on the 3rd October.
Well my Papa says that our national holiday should be in june, because the New States of germany signed the declaretion of accession in june 1990.

As for our plannings for this day:
Me and my father will visit the Hohenloher Freilandmuseum. It is something like Old Kentucky Home. You can walk around and make a travel back in time. You can see how people in the region lived their lifes in the past. Many old restored houses, history and even some showmen and -women who are dressed like the people in the past.
homepage ->

Happy day of German unity!!!!
I will end this with some pictures of the german bros ;D
The "Hetalia"-way to see german reunification.It makes me sniff... Q_Q

Sonntag, 12. September 2010

It means sad farewell...

I'm not having much time right now so I'll make it short:

This will probably be my last Blog for a every long time before I'll leave tomorrow. Yes,how sad it is, school is starting again.At least here in Baden-Wuerttemberg and students and teacher's will find their way back to everyday-school-life. For me it means that I'll be send to a boarding school in Michelbach at the Bilz. And even the fact that the boarding school building was a former castle is not comforting for me at all! I will miss everyone! My father, my friends, my bunny....
Plus... It's a whole new experience for me because I was at a public school and the school I'll be send to is a private school (sponsored by the lutherian church in our region). I'm so scared my roomate will be a bitch and that they will be too strict there. T_T Nevertheless I've at least one glimmer of hope: Every two weeks it's "homecoming weekend", means that the boarding school students will be able to go home over the weekend.

I guess that means good bye for now! Q_Q Don't forget about me. )':
I'll miss you all so much D'x

Bye (for now at least),
your Shirley ~

that old looking building in the center of this picture is the "boarding school"-building  >_>        

Größere Kartenansicht

Freitag, 10. September 2010

9/11 is today...

Today is a very sad anniversary. 9 years ago a terrible terror attack unsettling whole USA leaving americans in a moment of shock and deepest grief. Out of solidarity to this sad anniversary, I removed all flags from our walls and set my USA-table-flag at half-mast. Also, I will not attend to our city's 750 years anniversary festival today. I just can't go there pretending there's nothing. I just simply can't and that's why I'm not attending. I will  rather watch the thematic priority on N-TV today which is 9/11.
We'll never forget about this day. 
R.I.P to all the innocent people who died. You'll be never forgotten.
God bless America~

One minute of silence

Donnerstag, 9. September 2010

God bless...

I'm really asking myself where all this hate on our world will lead us to...
It's so sad that many people seem to have no life and start picking on others just because they defend their dreams and what they believe in. People have dreams and it's their right and freedom to believe what they want as long as we get along and respect each other.
I believe in world peace and to all the sick-minded people who call me a nazi-bitch just because I'm from germany: I forgive you. I really do hope all you sick-minded and poisened people will be cured from your illness and ideology someday. You will need it, because they will be peace and friendship as long as we don't stop believing.
God bless you all!~

Wonderful song ♥

Mittwoch, 8. September 2010

Review: Sat 1 Movie Tuesday 07.09.10 "Sind denn alle Männer Schweine?"(Are really all men pigs?)

”Sind denn alle Männer Schweine?”

Story: For the divorce Lawyer Maja Nielsen there is no space for the species men in her life anymore. This is shown by the fact that she raises her son Niklas alone – from the good for nothing who calls himself “father”,she expected nothing at all. So she focuses on her success in her job. The writing of helpful guidebooks helped to enforce her to a job at a real lawyer's office. Her first case already treat a broken marriage which hid secrets more then you could in the first sight. In addition,her lawyer opponents Hanno is a former one-night stand from the school – who doesn't recognize her.

So it just came right for Maja that the supernatural shock,caused by a car radio,gives her to ability to read the other genders mind. This strange gift was first very strange,but turned out to be a very helpful ability,especially with regard to her job success. It only became a problem as she rediscovered her old love for Hanno.


  • Valerie Niehaus as Maja Nielsen
  • Oliver Mommsen as Hanno Wolf
  • Anna Grisebach as Britta
  • Denise Zich as Silke da Salvo
  • Antonio Putignano as Franco da Salvo
  • Stephan Szasz as Karsten Eichelberger

Critics: First,however,one would roll with their eyes: An electric shock gives Maja the ability to hear men's thoughts.Firstly,this is the nightmare of all men.With the second thought you already trail off to the movie “What Women Want” the very successful movie of Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt from year 2000.Now that woman is now a lady which nothing excapes – from original content there's no trace! No doubt,the script is patched together from various KORE SOUNDPACK cliches,something new should not be expected.But after all,the story template is successful: “Sind nicht alle Männer Schweine?” doesn't takes itself too serious,can come up with loveable characters,particularly between chemistry and the two protagonists.“Maja” and “Hanno” fit perfectly into their roles and give off a lovely couple.Thereafter,you can clearly entertain yourself with this comedy.Even the picture in the picture is right: the case of competing of Maya and Hanno is amusing and entertaining - yet equally cliché and predictable as its own framework.On contrary,the irregular use of voice-over of the son Niklas is totally unnecessary! Conclusion: “Sind denn alle Männer Schweine?” is not taping its whole potential,but can convince thanks to its open actors and the right pinch of humor.

(c)ShuShu 2010
reviewed movie "Sind denn alle Männer Schweine?" (c) Sat1 Germany

Dienstag, 7. September 2010

Impressions of Lauf an der Pegnitz...

...caught in crappy picture's...
The most epic train ever :'D (actually it's just a constructional train)

"Regional express" (regional train)

Myself in front of the "Nürnberger Tor" at Lauf an der Pegnitz

"Nürnberger Tor"

Marketplace in Lauf

former abbey church

byroad somewhere in Lauf

Me and my friend Denise ♥

"Jesus...What a big coke *lol*" xD

"Survival package" in the cinema.... Oo

Lauf's cathedral at night

My Train ticket
At the train-station in Ansbach on my way back to Crailsheim where Daddy was waiting for me...~

Blue blue sky...

My "Welcome back" beer XD Haller Löwenbräu our local beer brewery of the city Schwäbisch-Hall♥